20th April 2023

How can you be sure your proposed new holiday cabins will give guests a real sense of wow when they first walk in? You know how important this is. Every time you step into a hotel room your eyes do a quick survey and you form an instant opinion. You either think – Mmmm, looks good, I made a good booking choice. OR, you’re underwhelmed and wish you had paid just a little bit extra for that other option that looked good.

You need to make sure your guests have the former experience – not the later!

But how? How do you do that without breaking the bank and over investing in nice-to-have finishes that really don’t give you a return on your investment.

Here are some simple guides based on our experience from building award winning cabins since 1999:

Be trendy rather than safe and boring

If you’re building yourself a new house you probably want to keep your choices of colours and finishes pretty safe. You don’t want something too ‘out there’ that will date to quickly or not add value to your home. This ‘safe and boring’ approach doesn’t apply to holiday accommodation. You’re not living in these cabins yourself. Your guests want to see something with some design flair. Something trendy. Something photo worthy. Don’t overdo it but have something attention grabbing. Cast off your inhibitions. This isn’t your own house you’re building. It is holiday accommodation.

Create a sense of professional charm, everywhere.

Choose a colour pallete that speaks of professional charm. Rich timber colours, natural looking tiles, heavy fabrics, great flooring and use them uniformly from front to back of the cabin. Carrying a strong theme through the cabin reinforces the style and immediately feels like a thoughtful designer pulled it together. Once again, you wouldn’t do this in your own home. You wouldn’t use the same finishes in your kitchen as your bedroom and ensuite. This isn’t your new home. It’s a cabin. Flowing the same strong styling throughout is the most subtle way of creating wow.

It’s all in the lighting

Don’t just fall back on the old boring ceiling lights. Add some charm with a beautiful floor lamp, built in LED lighting in the kitchen and bathroom cabinetry and stylish bedroom lighting. Ask our team for affordable lighting options that create a stunning first impression. You see it in great quality hotels and restaurants – they have sneaky little lighting features tucked in clever spots that add an outstanding ambiance.

If you can, include an ‘unexpected OTT feature’

Can you include one OTT (over the top) feature that attracts attention from your guests. What can you imagine them taking a photo of and posting for their family and friends? Perhaps it is oversized piece of art. Or feature window placed for the perfect view. A designer vanity with fancy mirror. Built in coffee machine. Shower with a window on to a private garden. There has to be something that differentiates you from the 1000’s of accommodation options your guests have. Think of your guests memories three years after their stay. Is there something that will stick in their mind so that they say, “Remember that cabin we stayed in that had that amazing………?”

Colour – is there a right or wrong?

Using playful colours can tend to cheapen the look and feel. Even if it isn’t your first preference, we recommend imagining you’re trying to create a professional office space, first class airline lounge, 5 star restaurant, get the feeling? Rich and soft tones create a feeling of high class.

Quality of appliances and furniture

There is nothing worse than a cheap lounge with a wobbly leg, fridge with a dodgy door or – the cardinal sin – an uncomfortable bed. Up front costs are always front of your mind but spending just that bit extra for better quality furniture and appliances is not only paramount for guest experience but also for your long term maintenance cost reduction. Do it right first up.

Make sure its 150% clean

OK, you know this but I’m going to tell you again. Uniplan can build you with most outstanding resort cabins BUT if the guests walk in and find streaky shower screens or (one single solitary) hair on the bed you have instantly destroyed and impression of wow that you worked so hard to create. Make sure your new cabins are spotless. Clean cabins = complimentary guests.

Well, there are a few ideas for you. At Uniplan, the many years of experience in our staff are ready and waiting to make your new cabins deliver a real sense of wow. One that your guests will be positively posting about and generating those reviews you crave.